Wheel of Wisdom, by Khenchen Rinpoche Könchog Gyaltshen, Terence Barrett

Softcover, 151 pages text in english and tibetan, Frederick 2012, new

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This compilation of poems and prayers includes Prescriptions and Proscriptions: Their Mode of Abiding; Samara and Nirvana: Two Sides of the Same Hand; A Guru Yoga that Brings the Dharmakaya onto the Path; In Praise of the Great Holy Place, Tsaritra; and three long life prayers for Khenchen Konchog Gyaltshen. The book also contains an updated biography of Khenchen Rinpoche and a synopsis of his many scholarly writings and translations. Composed by Khenchen Konchog Gyaltshen and translated by Terence Barrett. In English and Tibetan. 150 pages.

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