The Greek God Helios & the Indian Deity Surya, by Osmund Bopearachchi

Hardcover with DC, 107 pages, color illustrations, Kolkata 2021, new

CHF55,00 * Excl. Shipping costs
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The Greek God Helios & the Indian Deity Surya, by Osmund Bopearachchi:
A Study in the dissemination of Sun God imagery

This book examines, in the light of numerous iconographies, the syncretism of three deities associated with the sun, the Indian Surya, the Greek Helios, and the Iranian Mithra. The Gandharan statue of the Bodhisattva Siddhartha in the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto, wearing a headdress depicting the sun god in the guise of a Bodhisattva, performing the adhayamudra (the gesture of fearlessness)...

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