Hardcover with DC, 273 pages, bw illustrations, Amsterdam 1994, new
Traditional musis and its interaction with the West
The first translation of the early texts of Jaap Kunst (1891-1960), one of the fathers of the scientific study of non-western music, on general aspects of traditional music and on music and dance in Indonesia. Introductions outline the life and works of Jaap Kunst, his relationship with the Tropenmuseum and the modernity of his visions on ethnomusicology. Includes an inventory and description of original wax cylinder records from the thirties, and an annotated bibliography of published and unpublished writings of Jaap Kunst. Abundantly illustrated with more than a hundred pictures, many taken by Kunst himself, as well as many melodic transcriptions. A co-production with the Jaap Kunst Ethnomusicological Centre, University of Amsterdam.