Dzogchen Yoga from the Zhang Zhung Nyen Gyud, by Khyung Rinpoche

Softcover, 99 pages, some color illustrations, Kathmandu 2025, new

CHF21,00 * Excl. Shipping costs
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The teachings of Yungdrung Bon’s Sutra, Tantra, and Dzogchen, which were founded by Buddha Tonpa Shenrab Miwo, have a history spanning over 18,000 years and spread across the Zhang Zhung region of the Tibetan Plateau.

When in the seventh century some Tibetan kings and ministers introduced new cultural practices for political purposes, all of Tibet’s indigenous religious and cultural traditions were under great threat, like a candle flickering in the wind.

All Bon lamas and practitioners tragically faced persecution – they were beheaded, burned alive, drowned, or forced to flee to other lands. Many monasteries were burned down, monastery names and religious affiliations were changed, and many Bon scriptures were burned. Historians distorted and misrepresented historical facts through their biased narratives, making it difficult for people to openly identify as Yungdrung Bon practitioners.

However, thanks to the dedication of Bon masters who valued these teachings higher than their own lives, the teachings of Yungdrung Bon’s Sutra, Tantra, and Dzogchen have survived to this day in this region.

Among these, the Tsa Lung Trulkhor (channel and wind yoga) practice of Dzogchen is particularly important. When practiced, it expands the practitioner’s realization and understanding and brings physical and mental well-being. Furthermore, it enhances the practice of the channels, winds and drops and the blissful heat of Tummo (inner heat) is naturally ignited.

This teaching was transmitted from the primordial teacher Kuntu Zangpo through Je Tapihritsa, who gave it to Nangzhig Lodpo, along, with permission to document it in writing.

Therefore, for the purpose of those interested, the oral transmission of the Zhang Zhung Dzogchen teachings about the yogic practices of the channels, winds and drops and Tummo (Tsa Lung Tummo Trulkhor) has been translated into English through the assistance of my friends Paul, Zake, Olof, Tao, and others, with Geshe Palgi Wangchuk helping with the video documentation.

As a result, this book, containing simple and practical explanations of the Dzogchen Tsa Lung Trulkhor practices along with illustrations and photographs, is now being published.

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