Buddhas, by Nancy Tingley

Hardcover with DC, 120 pages, color illustrated, Sacramento 2009, as new

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According to tradition, Shakyamuni Buddha (Indian, c. 563-483 BC) was a prince who attained enlightenment and whose teachings gave birth to Buddhism. Western audiences today recognize certain iconographic elements--distended earlobes, monk's robes, a certain coiffure--as belonging to the buddha. Yet depictions vary widely across countries and cultures, revealing regional differences in religious belief. For example, the earliest buddha images, from Pakistan, depict the narrative of the Enlightened One's life, whereas later images from Thailand portray a crowned and bejeweled buddha. This great variety of interpretations represents a rich inheritance that enhances our understanding of the cultures that created such devotional objects. In this book, Nancy Tingley explores the breadth of Buddhist belief as elucidated through the many depictions of buddhas, from the first millennium to modern times.

Nancy Tingley received her PhD in South and Southeast Asian art history from the University of California, Berkeley, where she continues to be an occasional lecturer. She was Paul L. and Phyllis Wattis Curator of Southeast Asian Art at the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco for many years and now works as a freelance curator and art consultant. Her recent exhibitions include "Ancient Arts of Viet Nam" for the Asia Society, New York, and the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston. Tingley is also the adjunct curator of Asian art at the Crocker Art Museum in Sacramento, California, where she organized the exhibition accompanying this book. Her recent publications include Doris Duke: The Southeast Asian Art Collection and Ancient Arts of Viet Nam.
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