Softcover, 302 pages, bw and color illustrations, Dharamsala 2012, new
edited by Marc-Henri Deroche, Joshua Shapiro, Seiji Kumagai, Kalsang Norbu Gurung
(Part 1 is listed under Tim Myatt: Revisiting Tibetan Culture and History)
Preface by Matthew T. Kapstein
Kalsang Gurung
Shenrab's Ancestors and Family Members: Where do thei come from?
Kadri Raudsepp
Rnying ma and Gsar ma: First Appearances of the Terms during the Early Phyi dar (Later Spread of the Doctrine
Jörg Heimbel
Biographical Sources for Researching the Life of Ngor chen Kun dga' bzang po (1382-1456)
Pierre-Julien Harter
Doxography and Philosophy: The Usage and Significance of School denominations in Red mda' ba gzhon nu blo gros' Ornament of the Proofs of Conciousness
Constance Cassor
Gorampa Sonam Senge on the Refutation of the Four Elements
Marc-Henri Deroche
Introduction on the View (lta khrid) of the two Thruths: Prajnarasmi's (1518-1584) Bden gnyis gsal ba'i sgron me
Tomoko Makidono
An Entrance to the Practice as exemplified in Kah thog Dge rtse Mahapandita's Commentary on Sa skya Pandita's Sdom gsum rab dbye
Joshua Schapiro
Nothing to teach:Patrul's peculiar Preaching on Water, Boats and Bodies
Drukmo Khar
Autor: | Matthew Kapstein, Kalsang Gurung, Kadri Raudsepp, Jörg Heimbel, Pierre-Julien Harter, Constance Cassor, Marc-Henri Deroche, Tomoko Makidono, Joshua Schapiro, Drukmo Khar |