Revisiting Tibetan Culture and History, PIATS Paris 2009, Part 1, ed. by Tim Myatt et al

Softcover, 230 pages, bw and color illustrations, Dharamsala 2012, new

edited by Tim Myatt, Kalsang Norbu Gurung, Nicola Schneider, Alice Traver
(Part 2 is listed under Marc-Hernri Deroche: Revisiting Tibetan Religion and Philosophy)


Lama Jabb
Singing the Nation: Modern Tibetan Music and National Identity

Nicola Schneider:
The Third Dragkar Lama: An Important Figure for Female Monasticism in the Beginning of Twentieth Century

Jann Ronis
Powerful Women in the History of Degé:Reassessing the Eventful Reign of the Dowager Queen Tsewang Lhamo (d. 1812)

Brandon Dotson
Theorising the King:Implicit and Explicit sources for the Study of Tibetan Sacred Kingship

Thomas Kerihuel
The Early History of Mgar: When History becomes Legend

Tim Myatt
Trinkets, Temples and Treasures: Tibetan Material Culture and the 1904 British Mission to Tibet

Alice Travers
The Careers of the Noble Officials of the Ganden Phodrang (1895-1959): Organisation and Hereditary Divisions within the Service of State

Sonam Tsering

Dobis Tsering Gyal

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Autor: Charles Ramble, Lama Jabb, Nicola Schneider, Jann Ronis, Brandon Dotson, Thomas Kerihuel, Tim Myatt, Alice Travers, Sonam Tsering, Dobis Tsering Gyal
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