Softcover, 230 pages, bw and color illustrations, Dharamsala 2012, new
edited by Tim Myatt, Kalsang Norbu Gurung, Nicola Schneider, Alice Traver
(Part 2 is listed under Marc-Hernri Deroche: Revisiting Tibetan Religion and Philosophy)
Lama Jabb
Singing the Nation: Modern Tibetan Music and National Identity
Nicola Schneider:
The Third Dragkar Lama: An Important Figure for Female Monasticism in the Beginning of Twentieth Century
Jann Ronis
Powerful Women in the History of Degé:Reassessing the Eventful Reign of the Dowager Queen Tsewang Lhamo (d. 1812)
Brandon Dotson
Theorising the King:Implicit and Explicit sources for the Study of Tibetan Sacred Kingship
Thomas Kerihuel
The Early History of Mgar: When History becomes Legend
Tim Myatt
Trinkets, Temples and Treasures: Tibetan Material Culture and the 1904 British Mission to Tibet
Alice Travers
The Careers of the Noble Officials of the Ganden Phodrang (1895-1959): Organisation and Hereditary Divisions within the Service of State
Sonam Tsering
Dobis Tsering Gyal
la dpyad pa
Autor: | Charles Ramble, Lama Jabb, Nicola Schneider, Jann Ronis, Brandon Dotson, Thomas Kerihuel, Tim Myatt, Alice Travers, Sonam Tsering, Dobis Tsering Gyal |