Nyingma: Mahayoga Anuyoga and Atiyoga Part two, by Jamgön Kongtrul, Padmakara Translation Group

Hardcover with DC, 672 pages, Boulder 2024, new

A collection of texts and commentaries from the Nyingma tradition of Tibetan Buddhism on Dzogchen, or Great Perfection teachings, which introduce us to our most basic nature—the clear and pristine awareness that is the nature of the mind.

The Treasury of Precious Instructions, compiled by Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Taye, one of Tibet’s greatest Buddhist masters, is a shining jewel of Tibetan literature, presenting essential teachings from the entire spectrum of practice lineages that existed in Tibet. In its eighteen volumes, Kongtrul brings together some of the most important texts on key topics of Buddhist thought and practice as well as authoring significant new sections of his own.

Teachings and practices of the Nyingma lineage, the first of the eight lineages, are presented in the first and second volumes of the series, the second one of which is translated here. These texts are all related to the three yogas: Mahāyoga, Anuyoga, and Atiyoga. The first Nyingma volume includes works that are representative of the first two yogas, while this volume focuses especially on those belonging to the “pith-instruction class,” specifically those related to the unsurpassed secret section—the Heart Essence, or Nyingtik. According to the understanding of the Nyingma school, the most profound tenet of the Buddha’s teachings is that within the mind of every being—as its bedrock, fundamental stratum, or element—lies the buddha nature. The teachings of this volume each present this essential tenet in a variety of ways and are composed by various Tibetan and Indian masters, including the Buddha, Garab Dorje, Mañjuśrīmitra, Śrīsimha, Jñānasūtra, Padmasambhava, Longchen Rabjam, and Jamgon Kongtrul Lodrö Taye.

Autor: Jamgön Kongtrul, Padmakara Translation Group
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