The Practice of Tibetan Kunye Massage, by Chögyal Namkhai Norbu, Elio Guarisco

Softcover, 153 pages, some bw text-illustrations, tibetan text, Arcidosso 2003, new

Translated from Tibetan by Elio Guarisco

This short text on Tibetan Kunye massage, written in 1983, was reviewed and completed in 1987. As the Author says in the Introduction: “There exist different kinds of therapies, but those wishing to maintain good health or to rid themselves of physical disturbances by healing themselves through their own energy, Kunye represents a marvellous massage and a marvellous therapy. Massage has been known and widespread in traditional Tibetan medicine since the most ancient times. It is found in both the Bön and Buddhist traditions and is described in numerous texts because it is deemed a particular type of therapy. Furthermore, the fact that practitioners and yogis of all schools and traditions practice it and have preserved and transmitted it confirms its particularity, also corroborated in the stories and hagiographies of many ancient masters."
Autor: Chögyal Namkhai Norbu, Elio Guarisco
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