An Oral Commentary to The Total Space of Vajrasattva, by Chögyal Namkhai Norbu

Softcover, 116 pages, Arcidosso 2017, new Restricted Sale!

"The Sale of this Text is restricted to those who have received the relative transmission of Guruyoga by Chögyal Namkhai Norbu"

Dorje Sempa Namkha Che, The Total Space of Vajrasattva, definitively presents the ultimate essence of all the profound points of Ati Dzogpa Chenpo.

Chögyal Namkhai Norbu said: “Since it is extremely important that all of us in the Dzogchen Community have knowledge of the principles of this root text, we should gradually study and reflect on the special principles expressed in the root verses by means of discussion. Although the time of our life is passing quickly, I hope that all those who wish to practice and experience in their state the authentic principle of Ati Dzogpa Chenpo may hear the message of presence and awareness and foster a special interest in it, and that genuine knowledge of Ati Dzogpa Chenpo beyond all limitations and partiality may thus quickly arise in them.”

This book reflects the Master’s 52-section structure corresponding to the 52 weeks of a year and also contains his oral commentary on each quatrain. It is an indispensable companion to the edition presenting the commentary of Vairochana.

Autor: Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
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